The Ministry signs a memorandum of understanding with the Islamic Shaikhdom of the Republic of Kosovo
His Excellency the Minister Shaikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Ashaikh signed, on Monday, the twenty-first of Rabi’ Al-Awal 1441 AH, at the Ministry’s headquarters in Riyadh, a memorandum of understanding in the fields of Islamic affairs with the President of the Islamic Shaikhdom in the Republic of Kosovo, and the Grand Mufti, his Eminence Shaikh Naim Trevana, in the presence of a number of Ministry’s and the Islamic Shaikhdom’s officials. The memorandum of understanding includes a number of articles in which the first article stipulates cooperation in Islamic fields, introducing Islam and its tolerant values, the cooperation between the two parties in the affairs, architecture and maintenance of mosques, and cooperating in the field of serving the Glorious Qur'an and the Sunnah. In a statement after the signing ceremony, His Excellency the Minister Shaikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Ashaikh, confirmed that our Rulers, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the righteous King and the just Ruler Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah support him, and His Highness the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, may Allah grant him success, direct us to communicate with our Muslim brothers in the world, and provide them with all support and assistance in order to help them understand the true Islam, on the basis of which our country was built, and it took the same as its approach and constitution in all affairs. His Excellency pointed out that this agreement attests to the distinguished relations between the Kingdom and the countries of the world, including the Republic of Kosovo, noting that this agreement would have good benefits in the service of Islam and Muslims in Kosovo. At the same time, it is an extension of the great works provided by the Kingdom for the brotherly people of Kosovo. His Excellency the Minister Dr. Abdullatif Ashaikh indicated that there will be a broader horizon for cooperation between the Ministry and the Shaikhdom in Kosovo after signing this agreement in various fields, in order to serve Islam and Muslims and enhance the concepts of spreading moderation, in accordance with what pleases Allah, the Most High, and achieves good for all Muslims. In this context, we inspire these principles from the Glorious Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His Excellency praised the great works done by the Kingdom to serve the peoples of the whole world without discrimination, because it carries the mission of Islam, and the message of peace and security around the world. Moreover, he indicated that the Kingdom is advancing as per its broad and comprehensive visions, either for its people, or for all Muslims, so that they become good examples of Islam, with a high level of progress and development in all aspects of life. For his part, the President of the Islamic Shaikhdom in the Republic of Kosovo and the Grand Mufti Shaikh Naim Trevana appreciated the great role of the the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in serving humanity in all fields, including the support that Kosovo received twenty years ago during the war which will remain forever in the memory of the people of Kosovo. Regarding the signing of this agreement, His Eminence said that this means a lot for the people of Kosovo in terms of serving Muslims. He added that there will be joint work between the Islamic Shaikhdom in Kosovo and the Ministry which has a long and distinguished history in spreading moderation, rejecting extremism, combating and eliminating terrorism. His Eminence also added that the efforts provided by the Kingdom to all Muslims in the world are appreciated by all Muslims who consider the Kingdom to be their primary supporter, materially and morally. Moreover, he pointed out that the Muslims feel proud of the great works done by the Kingdom in serving the Two Holy Mosques and offering great facilities to those who perform Hajj, Umrah and the Visitors. He supplicated to Allah to grant the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Royal Highness the Crown Prince great reward for providing great services to Islam and Muslims, and defending their causes, and to maintain the Kingdom’s security and stability.