World Braille Day

On the occasion of the World Braille Day, corresponding to the 4th of January of each year, King Fahd Glorious Qur'an Printing Complex has contributed to fulfill the most important needs of Muslims with disabilities in their daily life, such as reciting the Glorious Qur'an and learning its rulings. This is achieved through projects that serve this category. One of these services is the issuance of the “Musḥaf of the Prophet’s City for the Blind” (in Braille).

KFGQPC made great efforts to produce the Musḥaf of the Prophet's City for the Blind (in Braille): in terms of programs, equipment, and staff.

By the grace of Allah and His guidance, the first edition of “Musḥaf of the Prophet’s City for the Blind” was printed, in an eminent script (Braille) in a complete copy, divided into five parts, and arranged according the order of the Surahs of the Glorious Qur'an. 6000 copies of this Musḥaf have been produced.–368