Main Organizational Divisions

Main Organizational Divisions

  1. Higher Commission of KFGQPC
It is chaired by the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Daʻwah and Guidance, General Supervisor of King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex. Its duties are summarized below:
  1. To lay down KFGQPC general policies, objectives, the mechanisms of their applications and the supervision of their implementation.
  2. إقرار اللَّوائح والأنظمة التي يحتاج إليها المجمَّع.
  3. Approval of requests for cooperation from outside the Ministry.
  4. Considering all that is submitted by the General Secretariat of KFGQPC.
  5. Approval of the production program for the Glorious Qur’an publications and the Translations of its Meanings into different languages.
  6. Approval of selection of the reciters of Qur’an recitations.
  7. Approval of the books and Scholarly subjects chosen by the Center for Qur’anic Studies and the Translations Center in terms of authoring, editing, translating and publishing.
  8. Approval of training plans for the staff of KFGQPC.
  9. Approval of the budget for the General Secretariat of KFGQPC.
  10. Approval of controls and standards upon which rewards are offered to the members of commissions, committees and collaborators.
  11. Taking necessary actions to fulfil the public interest in the emerging cases.
  12. Reviewing the annual report of KFGQPC, and resolving matters contained therein.

  1. Scholarly Council of KFGQPC
It is chaired by the Secretary-General of KFGQPC. Its duties and responsibilities are clarified as follows:
  1. Laying down the action plan of the Scholarly Council in accordance with the objectives of KFGQPC.
  2. Suggesting the procedures for developing its scholarly works.
  3. Considering the issues and researches of scholarly nature related to the Sciences of the Glorious Qur’an, in addition to the Translations of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an and Islamic sciences.
  4. Reviewing the researches and studies assigned to it by His Excellency the Minister, the General Supervisor of KFGQPC.
  5. Considering the reports prepared by the committees and scholarly agencies in KFGQPC, and proposing opinions concerning them.

  1. The Scholarly Committee for Reviewing the Muṣḥaf
It is concerned with revising the Muṣḥafs after they have been written by the calligrapher of KFGQPC, and during and after recording the diacritical marks on manuscripts in accordance with the authority books on Qur’anic Readings, the books of Qur’anic Orthography, diacritical marks, punctuation, pauses, and exegesis.
The committee performs constant reviews during all preparation stages until it gives assent for the start of printing the Muṣḥaf. It also evaluates the handwritten and printed Muṣḥafs sent to KFGQPC from inside or outside the Kingdom.
KFGQPC has Fourteen Original Muṣḥafs:
- Some written by the calligrapher of KFGQPC Dr. ‘Uthmān Ṭaha.
- Some have been processed.
All of these have been prepared and reviewed by KFGQPC Scholarly Committee for Reviewing the Glorious Qur’an:
- Three Muṣḥafs according to the Reading of Hafs on the authority of ‘Āṣim al-Kūfi . As for the first one, its pages end by the end of an Ayah. The second is characterized by pages that do not end with the end of an Ayah. The third one has been processed in KFGQPC and its pages end with the end of an Ayah.
- Two Muṣḥafs according to the Reading of Warsh on the authority of Nafi’ al-Madani, one of them is handwritten and its pages do not end with the end of an Ayah, while the other has been developed in KFGQPC and its pages end with the end of an Ayah.
- Two Muṣḥafs with the Reading of Qalun according to the authority of Nafi’ Al-Madani, one of them is characterized by pages that end with the end of an Ayah. As for the other, its pages do not end with the end of an Ayah.
- Three Muṣḥafs according to the Reading of al-Dūri on the authority of Abū ‘Amr Al-Baṣri , one of them is characterized by pages that do not end with the end of an Ayah. As to the other, its pages end with the end of an Ayah, and the third has been processed in KFGQPC and its pages end with the end of an Ayah.
- A Muṣḥaf according to the Reading of Shu’bah on the authority of ‘Āṣim al-Kūfi , and its pages end with the end of an Ayah.
- A Muṣḥaf according to the Reading of al-Susi on the authority of Abū ‘Amr Al-Baṣri , whose pages end with the end of an Ayah has been published.
- The computerized Muṣḥaf was also released according to the Reading of al-Bazzi on the authority of Ibn Kathīr al-Makki , as well as another computerized Muṣḥaf according to the Reading of Qunbul on the authority of Ibn Kathīr Al-Makki . Both of them are processed in KFGQPC and their pages end with the end of an Ayah.
Mechanism of Writing al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf:
al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥafs are written by an experienced calligrapher, known for his excellence in writing Muṣḥafs. This calligrapher is Dr. ‘Uthmān Ṭāhā . Muṣḥafs are written and printed under the supervision of a carefully selected Scholarly Committee of specialists in the sciences of Tajweed, Modes of Qur’anic Readings, calligraphy, vocalization, Ayah numbering, pausual forms, exegesis, jurisprudence, language, grammar and morphology. The committee is headed by Shaikh Dr. Ali bin Abdulraḥman al Hudhaifi, Imam and Khatib of the Prophet’s Mosque, and its members include the esteemed: Shaikh ‘Abdul Rafi Riḍwān ‘Ali, Shaikh Moḥammad Al-Ighātha Wild Al-Shīkh, and Shaikh Moḥammad ‘Abd Al-Raḥmān Aṭwal ‘Umar.
The Committee follows a precise plan and reviews the work step by step. Each member of this committee reads a copy of the original handwritten Muṣḥaf individually. They read and edit Ayah-by-Ayah, word-by-word, letter by letter and mark by mark in addition to terminology and symbols. The committee uses magnifying tools as needed. The members write down their observations in a relevant statement and sign it with their names. The committee thereafter meets to discuss what is written in the statement. The observations are drafted in one statement after deleting the repetitions, and then the members of the committee meet to discuss this statement thoroughly. What is unanimously agreed upon is signed by everyone, and is relied on to correct the original copy, which shall be returned once again to the committee. The committee follows the same approach so that it becomes assured of the correctness of what has been written. The Committee then issues the permission to start the preparation for printing, and reviews the work accurately at this stage, to be assured of the correct preparation for the final printing of the Glorious Muṣḥaf.
The criteria to be followed by the committee in its review of the Glorious Muṣḥaf are summarized as follows:
  1. consensus is required for each step. Primary sources of the books of late and recent authors shall be the reference to solve any dispute.
  2. Adhering to the evidence if it is correct, and rejecting anything otherwise. Evidence shall be based on Reading, words of the highly regarded authorities. Personal opinions and discretion shall be excluded.
  3. Maintaining the rules of the Uthmanic Orthography, which were unanimously approved by the Prophet’s companions and their followers.
  4. Only the Glorious Qur’an shall be written in the Muṣḥaf. In the Reading in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet says, “Do not take down anything from me, and he who recorded anything from me except the Qur’an, he should efface it.” This springs from the fear of mixing the text of the Qur’an with something else and confusing people, which may result in distortion. Thus, the example of the companions shall be followed in terms of removing from the Uthmanic Muṣḥafs all materials other than the Qur’an, as those materials are not characterized by unbroken chain of Reading , authenticity and certainty, such as the Surahs numbering, number of Ayahs, whether Makkan or Madinan within the scope of the Qur’anic texts. Comments on the same and the more preferable and less preferable opinions on this issue are detailed in the Books of Tafsir and the Sciences of the Glorious Qur’an.
  5. There was a need to write down the names of Surahs, symbols of pauses, and vocalization as they are closely related to the Qur’anic text. Whereas signs outside the scope of the Qur’anic text in the page margins, such as the name of the Surah, and the number of Juz’, or on the page sides such as symbols of the Juz’, Ahzab, Arbā’, A’shār, Akhmās, Sujūd and Saktāt, are not a source of confusion for they are outside the scope of the Qur’anic text. Therefore, they are printed in a format different from the Qur’anic text.
The Scholarly Committee for Reviewing the Glorious Qur’an is also in charge of the following:
Supervising the various audio recordings released by KFGQPC to ensure their validity and correctness according to the Modes of Qur’anic Readings in which they are recorded.

KFGQPC has released ten audio Muṣḥafs:
- Six of which are recorded according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ on the authority of Asim, by the esteemed, Shaikh Dr. Ali Ibn Abdulraḥman al-Hudhaifi, Shaikh Ibrahim bin al-Akhdar al-Qayyim, Shaikh Muhammad Ayyub Mohammad Yusuf and Shaikh Abdullah bin Ali Baṣfar. They were recorded according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ on the authority of Asim in Qaṣṛ al-Muṅfaṣil by Shaikh ʻImad bin Zuhair Hafiz and Shaikh Dr. Khalid bin Sulaiman al-Muhanna.
- The Seventh Muṣḥaf is recorded according to the Reading of Qālūn on the authority of Nāfi’ by Shaikh Dr. Ali bin Abdulraḥman al-Hudhaifi.
- The Eighth Muṣḥaf is recorded according to in the Reading of Warsh on the authority of Nafi’ by Shaikh Dr. Ibrahim bin Saeed al-Dosari.
- A Qur’an recording by Shaikh Dr. Ali bin Abdulraḥman al-Hudhaifi was released according to the Reading of Shu’bah on the authority of Asim.
- A Qur’an recording for students was released according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ on the authority of Asim (the last sixth of the Glorious Qur’an) by Shaikh Dr. Ali bin Abdulraḥman al-Hudhaifi and Shaikh Ibrahim bin al-Akhdar al-Qayyim.
- A Qur’an recording according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ on the authority of Asim by Shaikh Dr. Mahir bin Hamad Al-Muaiqly, the imam of the Great Mosque of Makkah is in progress.
- A Qur’an recording according to the Reading of al-Dūri on the authority of Abū ‘Amr Al-Baṣri by Shaikh Dr. Abdullah bin Awad Al-Juhani, the imam of the Great Mosque of Makkah is in progress.
- A Qur’an recording by Shaikh Dr. Othman bin Muhammad Siddiqui, is also in progress, according to the Reading of al-Sūsi on the authority of Abū ‘Amr Al-Baṣri .
Supervision of Tajweed Courses:
In the framework of achieving the objectives of KFGQPC and its contribution to the dissemination of the Glorious Qur’an and Tajweed, KFGQPC completed twenty-one Tajweed courses for the memorizers of the Glorious Qur’an according to the Reading of Ḥafṣ on the authority of Asim up to the year 1439/1440 AH. They have been granted ijazah-certificates by a number of licensed Shaikhs working in KFGQPC.
These courses are organized in the Prophet’s Mosque in revival of the Sunnah of Qur’an recitation lessons in this blessed Mosque, and it takes approximately seven months distributed by three days each week, namely: the evenings of Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, provided that the session time is not less than an hour and a half per day.
442 memorizers of the Qur’an graduated from these courses. The courses are organized successively after the completion of the previous ones.

  1. The Translations Center
It is concerned with the scholarly affairs of translations, especially:
  1. producing translations of the meanings of the Glorious Qur’an and its interpretation into various languages.
  2. Investigating the problems associated with the translations and providing appropriate solutions.
  3. Conducting research and studies in the field of translation.
  4. Reviewing the translations received by the Center.
  5. Translating what Muslims need of the sciences related to the Glorious Qur’an.
The Center has a Council that is concerned with considering the different affairs pertaining to the translations.
Translations Production of KFGQPC:
The number of publications issued by the Translations Center has reached 80. These include 72 Translations of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into various languages as follows: 39 Asian languages, 16 European languages and 17 African languages.
Thus, the Center has covered the most important languages of the world and is currently working on completing other translations to meet the needs of the Islamic peoples yet to receive the Meanings of the Words of Allah, the Most High.

  1. Center for Qur’anic Studies
First: Establishment and association:
  1. The Ministerial Decree No. 242 / RD, dated 26/11/1414 AH, was issued, including the organizational structure of KFGQPC, and stipulating that the Center is one of its components, and it is linked to Scholarly Affairs Department.
  2. The decision of the Supreme Council of KFGQPC No.: (5-1415 AH) was issued stipulating that: “The Supreme Council approves the establishment of the Center for Qur’anic Studies according to the attached setup, and commends its pioneering idea...
  3. The Scholarly Council Resolution No.: 17/1437 AH, approved by His Excellency the Minister under No.: 1/3/689, and dated: 15/9/37 AH, approving a new bylaw for the center, which included nine articles that define the center’s goals and defining features.
  4. The new structure was issued at the beginning of KFGQPC self-running mode of operation on 17/11/1438 AH, and it included the Center for Qur’anic Studies as one of its components, and it was linked to Scholarly Affairs Department.
Second: The Center’s Objective:
Contributing to the enrichment of researches, studies, scholarly encyclopedias, specialized dictionaries, editing heritage books and indexing works in the field of the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences.

Third: The Center’s Tasks:
  1. Editing the original heritage books in the field of the Glorious Qur’an.
  2. Authoring specialized books on the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences.
  3. Preparing reference works of the Glorious Qur’an and its sciences from encyclopedias, cyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, bibliographic lists of Qur’anic research, and indexes of manuscript and printed works.
  4. Issuing Qur’an commentaries with multiple purposes with tight controls, taking into account the possibility of translating them into international languages.
  5. Paying special attention to highlighting the inimitability (Ijaz) of the Qur’an in light of contemporary knowledge and scholarly advances, in the light of Islamic criteria.
  6. Ridding the interpretation of the Glorious Qur’an from unauthentic Narrations (Isra'iliyat) and wrongful interpretations.
  7. Examining Orientalist studies in the field of the Glorious Qur’an and its sciences, and studying its new trends.
  8. Confronting the fabrications and suspicions aimed at the Glorious Qur’an and its sciences, and responding to them in a meaningful and authentic manner.
  9. Seeking to provide reference works, books, research and studies, and to participate in specialized global databases.
  10. Cooperating with institutions and Scholarly bodies working in the field of serving the Glorious Qur’an and its sciences.
  11. Holding conferences, symposia and scholarly forums, to contribute to the achievement of the tasks entrusted to the Center.
  12. Developing the expertise of researchers and specialists working in the center.
  13. Suggesting the methods of encouraging scholarly research in the field of the Qur’an and its sciences, and defining rules for dealing with researchers.
  14. Following up on Qur’anic studies and research, and creating databases for them.
Fourth: The structure of the Center:
  1. Council of the Center.
  2. Director of the Center.
  3. Director of the Center.
  4. Center Research Units:
    1. Commentaries and Qur’anic Sciences Research Unit
    2. Heritage Editing unit.
    3. Lexical Works and Encyclopedias unit.
    4. The unit of Qur’anic studies of Orientalists.
  5. Center Secretariat:
Fifth: The Center's Publications and Projects:
The scholarly publications issued by the Center for Qur’anic Studies, including: what was produced by the Center’s researchers, and some of what the Center supervised, corrected and printed, and they are as follows:
  1. Scholarly published works:
    1. Itḥāf al-Mahrah bi al-Fawā’id al-Mubtakrah min Aṭrāf al-‘Asharah by al-Ḥāfiẓ Aḥmad bin ‘Ali Ibn Ḥajar Al-‘Asqalāni, 852 AH, edited by a number of scholars, in twenty-four volumes with indexes.
    2. Al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān by: Hafiz Jalal al-Din Abdulraḥman Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Suyuti, (d. 911 AH), in seven volumes Edited: Center for Qur’anic Studies.
    3. Al-Aḥādīth Al-Wāridah Fi Faḍā’il al-Madīnah - Jam‘an wa Dirāsah, authored by Dr. Salih bin Ḥāmid al-Rifaʻi.
    4. Aḥkām Al-Janā’iz fi Ḍawi' Al-Kitāb wa Al-Sunnah, authored by Dr. Saeed bin Ali al-Qahtani.
    5. Al-I‘Jāz al-Bayāni fī Ḍaw‘ al-Qira‘āt al-Qurā’niyyah Al-Mutawātirah, authored by: Prof. Dr. Ahmad bin Mohammad al-Kharrat.
    6. Bayān Talbīs al-Jahmiyah fi Ta’sīs Bida‘ihim al-Kalāmiyah, by Shaikh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Abd al-Halim ibn Taymiyyah, 728 AH, edited by a number of scholars, in ten volumes.
    7. Al-Tibyān fi Ma‘rifat Tanzīl al-Qur’ān wa-khtilāf ‘Adad Ayāt al-Qur’ān attributed to Abu Hafs Omar bin Mohammad al-Attar, 432 AH, Editing: Dr. Sharif Hashim bin Hazza Al-Shanbari.
    8. Al-Tajweed al-Muyassar)Prepared by: Dr. Ali bin Abdulraḥman al-Hudhaifi as supervisor and reviewer, as well as Shaikh Abdul-Rafei Radwan, Dr. Mohammad Omar Hawiyah, Dr. Hazem bin Saeed Haider and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sidi al-Amin.
    9. Al-Tafseer Al-Muyassar prepared by a group of scholars.
    10. Taqrīb al-Nashr fi al-Qira’āt al-‘Ashr by Hafiz Mohammad ibn Mohammad al-Jazari, (d. 833 AH), Edited by Ed. Adel Ibrahim Mohammad Rifai, in two volumes.
    11. Ḥusn al-Madad fī Ma‘rifat Fanni al-‘Adad by Burhanuddin Ibrahim bin Omar Al-Ja’bari (d. 732 AH), Edited by Dr. Bashir bin Hassan al-Himyari.
    12. Sirāj al-Qāri’ al-Mubtadī wa Tidhkār al-Muqri’ al-Montahi by Abu al-Qasim Ali Bin Othman, known as Ibn al-Qaseh, (d. 801 AH), edited by Dr. Ali bin Moḥammad Atif, in three volumes.
    13. Sharḥ Ṭaiybat al-Nashr fi al-Qira’āt al-‘Ashr by Ibn al-Nazim (d. 835 AH), Edited by Dr. Adel Ibrahim Muhammad Rifai, in two volumes.
    14. Sharḥ Al-Muqadimah Al-Jazariyah by al-Hafiz Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Al-Jazari, (died 833 AH), authored by Isām al-Din Aḥmad bin Mustafa bin Khalil, (died 968 AH), Edited by Dr. Moḥammad Sidi Moḥammad al-Amin.
    15. Al-Ṭirāz fi Sharḥ Ḍabṭ Al-Kharrāz by Imam Abi Abdullah Moḥammad bin Abdullah al-Tansi, (died 899 AH), Edited by Dr. Aḥmad bin Aḥmad Sharshal.
    16. Fihris Makhṭūṭāṭ al-Tafsīr wa ‘Ulūm al-Qur'ān fi Maktabāt al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah, prepared by the Center for Qur’anic Studies, in five volumes.
    17. Kitāb Uṣūl Al-Imān fi Ḍaw’ Al-Kitāb wa Al-Sunnah, prepared by a group of scholars.
    18. Kitāb Uṣūl Al-Ḍabṭ wa Kayfiyyatih ‘ala Jihat Al-Ikhtiṣār by Abu Dawood Sulaiman bin Najāḥ, (died 496 AH), edited by Dr. Aḥmad bin Aḥmad Sharshal.
    19. Kitāb al-Dhikr wa al-Du‘āā’ fi Ḍaw’ al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah, authored by Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq bin Abdul Mohsin Al-Badr.
    20. Kitāb al-Fiqh al-Muyassar fi Ḍaw’ al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah, prepared by a group of scholars.
    21. Kitābat al-Muṣḥaf al-Sharīf wa Ṭibā‘atuh: Tārīkhuha wa Aṭwāruha wa ‘Ināyat al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyah Al-Saū‘diyah bi Ṭabi‘h wa Nashrih wa Tarjamat Ma‘ānīh, edited by Prof. Dr. Moḥammad Salim bin Shudayyid al-ʻAwfi.
    22. Laṭā’if al-Ishārāt li Funūn al-Qirā’āt by al-Hafiz Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Moḥammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Qasṭalani, (died 923 AH), edited by the Center for Qur’anic Studies, in ten volumes.
    23. Al-Mutashābih Al-Lafẓi fi Al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm wa A’srāruh Al-Balāghiyah) authored by Dr. Salih bin Abdullah al-Shathri.
    24. Al-Mujtabā min Mushkil I‘rāb Al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm, authored by Prof. Dr. Aḥmad bin Moḥammad Al-Kharrat, in four volumes.
    25. Majmu‘ Fatāwā Shaikh al-Islām Aḥmad bin Taimiyyah, compiled and arranged by Abdulraḥman bin Moḥammad bin Qasim, (died 1392 AH), in 37 volumes.
    26. Mukhtaṣar al-Tabīn Li Hijāā’ al-Tanzīl by Imam Abu Dawood Sulaiman bin Najah, (died 496 AH), edited by Dr. Aḥmad bin Aḥmad Shershal, in five volumes.
    27. Al-Muntakhab min Aḥādīth Al-A’dab wa Al-A’khlāq, prepared by a group of scholars.
    28. Al-Muntaha, wa fīhi Khamsu ‘Ashrata Qirā’ah by Abu al-Fadl Mohammad bin Jaafar Al-Khuza’i, (died 408 AH), edited by Dr. Mohammad Shafaat Rabbani, in two volumes.
    29. Al-Muwaḍiḥ li Madhāhib Al-Qurraāā’ wa Ikhtilāfihim fi al-Fatḥ wa al-I’mālah by Imam Abu Amr Uthman bin Saʻid Al-Dāni, (died 444 AH), edited by Dr. Mohammad Shafaat Rabbani, in two volumes.
    30. Al-Muyassar fi Gharib Al-Qur’an al-Karim, prepared by the Center for Qur’anic Studies.
    31. Al-Nashr fi al-Qira’āt al-‘Ashr: by Imam Moḥammad bin Moḥammad bin al-Jazari, (died 833 AH), edited by Dr. Al-Sālim Moḥammad Mahmud al-Shanqīti, in six volumes.
    32. Wuqūf Al-Qur’ān wa Athāruha fi Al-Tafsīr, authored by Dr. Musʻad bin Sulaiman Al-Ṭāyyar.
  2. Publications at the printing phase:
  3. Tafsīr Isḥāq bin Ibrāhīm Al-Busti, (died 307 AH), edited by Dr. Othman Moallim Mahmud, and Prof. Awad Al-Amari.

  4. Publications at the final typesetting and revision phase:
    1. Itḥāf Fuḍalā’ al-Bashar fi al-Qira’āāt al-A’rb‘ata ‘Ashar by Aḥmad bin Moḥammad Al-Dimiati, aka: al-Banna’, (died 1117 AH), edited by the Center for Qur’anic Studies.
    2. Mu‘jam Kuttāb al-Muṣḥaf al-Sharīf, prepared by the Center for Qur’anic Studies.
    3. Al-Mu‘jam al-Muyassar li Mawḍū‘āt al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, prepared by the Center for Qur’anic Studies.
  5. Seminars Papers:
    1. Seminar The Care by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences, (1421 A.H.), papers printed in 7 volumes.
    2. Seminar The Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an: Evaluation of the Past and Planning for the Future, (1423 A.H.), researches printed in 6 volumes.
    3. Seminar The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Attention to the Sunnah and the Sirah of the Prophet, (1425 AH), researches printed in 10 volumes.
    4. Seminar The Glorious Qur’an in Oriental Studies, (1427 AH).
    5. Seminar The Glorious Qur’an and Contemporary Technologies: Information Technology, (1430 A.H).
    6. The King Fahd Complex’s Forum for the Most Renowned Calligraphers of the Glorious Qur’an in the World, (1432 AH). The number of participants in the forum reached 249, representing 28 nationalities.
    7. Seminar Printing and Publishing the Glorious Qur’an between Reality and Aspiration, (1436 AH), papers printed in 6 volumes.
    8. Seminar Teaching the Glorious Qur’an for Disabled people, (1441 AH).
Approved projects: These projects will be announced when implementation begins.
The foundations of launching the Center’s projects, and implementation procedures:
  1. Foundations:
  2. The center's projects and scholarly books are selected according to the goals of KFGQPC and the specific goals and tasks of the Center.
  3. Implementation procedures:
  4. Projects are studied and implemented according to scholarly and operational plans and approved procedures.

  1. Digital Research Center
Since King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex in Madinah is the credible and pioneering authority on the service of the Glorious Qur’an, its Sciences, exegesis, translating its Meanings and recording its Ayahs, the directive of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was issued in his telegram No. : 353/MB on 6/1/1428 AH to form a specialized committee based in KFGQPC, in order to review and follow up on all electronic versions that contain the texts of the Glorious Qur’an and its recitations, and to provide suitable electronic alternatives, such as computer programs related to the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences, as well as other tasks.
In Implementation of the Royal Directive, the Digital Research Center to Serve the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences was established. The Center has a number of units, and is considered as one of the Centers affiliated to KFGQPC to achieve, by Allah’s will, one of its general scholarly objectives. Additionally, it contributes to enriching scholarly research in the field of computer information and its applications, in order to serve the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences, and keep pace with the successive advances in the field of contemporary technologies, as well as the great development reached by information technology, and adapting it to serve the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences in various programs, different devices, specialized websites, and other multimedia.
Objectives of the Center:
  1. Reviewing various Qur’anic publications of electronic publishing media.
  2. Issuing digital authentication certificates, and documenting the texts of the Glorious Qur’an and its recitations with well-established Readings in electronic media.
  3. Working on providing digital alternatives suitable for the means of exchanging digital copies of the Glorious Qur’an and its various Sciences.
  4. Contributing to enriching the information knowledge related to serving the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences.
  5. Participating in setting unified standards for dealing with the Qur’anic text and its terminology, books of the Sciences of the Glorious Qur’an, its exegesis, and Translations of its Meanings.
  6. Networking with consultants, persons having individual expertise and the relevant authorities.
Achievements of the Center:
  1. Al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Musḥaf Application on Windows Phone:
The application includes the entire text of the al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf according to the Reading of Ḥafs on the authority of Aṣim. It supports twelve international languages, contains many features, and is available to users on Windows Phone store.
  1. Al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Musḥaf Application on Windows (8-8.1):
An application works on tablets, laptops, and desktops, and supports both languages: Arabic and English.
It includes many features, a control panel with settings that need to be activated or deactivated by the user, and is available for users on the Microsoft Global Applications platform.
  1. Tafsir of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an in Sign Language:
The project contains an explanation of the Meanings of the words of each Surah, then the overall Tafsir of the entire Surah, and then the most important benefits and rulings for life in light of the lessons learned from the Surah. More details on this project will be mentioned later.
  1. The Proposed Practical Perception for the Development of the Symbols Font:
It is a practical proposal for the development of the Symbols Font which is produced by KFGQPC to serve the overall needs of academic research, and editing texts and their margins as well as the insertions added to the body of the text and its margins and appendices. The font, after its development, shall become a new tool serving a wide range of the users.
The Center has arranged the suggested words and insertion symbols, which reached 571 words and symbols, in 31 thematic packages. If the user chooses “Symbols Font” and wants to insert a word or a symbol, the harmonious set of the same topic would be in his reach, and he can insert words and symbols that he wants into his document.
The font is uploaded to the “Computer Fonts Group” website, which is one of KFGQPC Internet websites.
  1. Reviewing the Distorted Applications related to the Glorious Qur’an on Multiple Operating System Platforms:
This is a comprehensive study concerned with the Glorious Qur’an on smart devices to evaluate its contents. This study includes 77 applications from various e- stores.
The number of applications in which remarks or material errors were found amounted to 21 on various platforms.
KFGQPC has communicated and coordinated with the authorities concerned to take the required actions to withhold such distorted applications with errors. It also addressed Apple to remove 12 applications with errors on AppStore, and Google to remove 7 applications with errors on Android store, and Microsoft to remove two applications with errors on Windows Phone store.
  1. Configuration of the Untargeted al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf for Digital Releasing:
The Center has reviewed the Untargeted al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf thoroughly in conformity with the last publication of al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf of the year (1439 AH.) in accordance with the digitally-processed font whose pages are 604. Then, the Untargeted Muṣḥaf has been processed digitally by separating each word of the Glorious Qur’an in one layer, so that words of each page can be edited, and then by processing the digital version appropriately, in order to remove protruding, cutting, breaking and curving contained in the original font of the calligraphy to get the font of the Muṣḥaf pure, and to control the font size of the Muṣḥaf in terms of zooming in and out without any defects or technical problems. Moreover, reducing the size of each page of the Untargeted al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf by 50% was made to reduce the storage capacity of the font size of the Muṣḥaf in digital programs and applications, to help easy handling and using. The al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf, therefore, was prepared for digital release according to the specifications of electronic applications.
In addition, by Allah’s help, al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf Application has been released on Android and Apple systems.
  1. Recording Audio Materials for Programs and Applications: These Recordings include the Following:
- Translations of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into: English, French, Spanish, Urdu, Hausa and Swahili.
- The book of al-Muyassar fi Gharib al-Quran al-Karim.

- The book of (al-Tafsir al-Muyassar) which is divided into (MP3-Mono) format, at the level of the Ayah, for programming purposes, and has been issued by the Center in a program called: al-Tafsir al-Musyasaar- Audio, which includes the audio recording of al-Tafsir al-Musyasar, in addition to the recitation of the late Shaikh Mohammad Aiyūb. V.

- Various questions on the rules of Tajweed, and the questions of the book of At Tajweed Al Muyassar include in two types: true and false, and multiple choice.

- Rules of Qur’anic pauses, their symbols and applications.

All these audio publications have been recorded by various voices of distinguished radio presenters, then they have been reviewed and approved by the Center.

  1. Al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf Application on Android, iOS: More details of this Pioneering Application will be mentioned later.
    9. Digital Indexes: The Center intends to release a set of electronic digital indexes, of which it has completed:
Index of Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an:
The databases of the titles of the Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an consist of the following elements:
- The Renowned titles of the Surahs according to their order in the Glorious Qur’an.
- The reason for naming each Surah of the Glorious Qur’an.
- Mentioning tawqifī names (indicated by the Prophet) for each Surah of the Glorious Qur’an, by mentioning the evidence and its authentication.
- Mentioning the ijtihādī names (which are set by scholars) for each Surah of the Glorious Qur’an, by mentioning the evidence and its authentication.
- Summarizing the objectives and subjects of the Surahs as per a number of books developed for this purpose.
- Presenting the order of the Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an according to the time of their revelation: If the Surahs of the Glorious Qur’an were arranged according to the order of the revelation of the Glorious Qur’an and documented based on the references mentioned therein.
- Presenting the Makkan and Madinan Surahs: The Makkan and Madinan Surahs were clarified, the sayings of scholars were mentioned as well as the predominant opinions, and documenting the same based on the references mentioned therein.
- Presenting the number of Ayahs of the Glorious Qur’an: The opinions of scholars regarding the number of Ayahs of the Glorious Qur’an were mentioned, as well as their different opinions regarding this issue. This was included in a table showing the different opinions by the scholars specialized in the number of Ayahs.
A summary of this index has been included within the application of al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah Muṣḥaf on Android and Apple systems Android, iOS.
  1. Converting KFGQPC Printed Publications into Digital Formats:
KFGQPC has considered the importance of finding effective solutions for producing digital formats of the publications of KFGQPC, and forming a consolidated picture on the printing cycle of such publications, as well as developing a concept for the knowledge conduits produced thereby. This is due to the importance of employing technology in the service of the Glorious Qur’an, and in all the publications issued by KFGQPC, and investing the efforts exerted in this field.
The Center has completed the conversion of all the books it has received, in two parts:
- Printed books, which are 12 books, including:
  1. Uṣūl al-Imān (in Arabic).
  2. Bibliography of Translations of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an issued in KFGQPC.
  3. Al-Tajweed al-Muyassar.
  4. Al-Tafsir Al-Muyassar.
  5. Taqrīb al-Nashr fi al-Qira’āt al-‘Ashr.
  6. Fihris Makhṭūṭāṭ al-Tafsīr wa ‘Ulūm al-Qur‘ān fi Maktabāt al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah.
  7. Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar.
  8. Writing and printing the Glorious Muṣḥaf: History, phases and the care of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for printing and publishing the Muṣḥaf, and for translating its meanings.
  9. Lātāʻif al-Ishārāt fi Funūn al-Qirāʻāt.
  10. Al-Muyassar fi Gharib al-Quran al-Karim.
  11. Al-Nashr fi 'l-Qirā'āt al-'Ashr.
  12. Wuqūf al-Qur’ān wa Athāruhā fi al-Tafāsir.
- Translations of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an, whose number is (11) including:
  1. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into German.
  2. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Tamazight.
  3. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into English.
  4. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Turkish.
  5. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into the Dari.
  6. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Russian.
  7. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into the Swahili.
  8. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Chinese.
  9. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into French.
  10. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Fulani (Latin letter).
  11. Translation of the Meanings of the Glorious Qur’an into Nepalese language.
  1. Developing the Digital Research Center Website and its Content on the Internet:
The Center has designed a Qur’anic service website on the Internet, characterized by a flexible and elaborate software structure, in both Arabic and English. The website includes the Center’s projects and works.
The website aims to present the Glorious Qur’an digital products in the King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex, and it serves wide spectrum of the society.
The website is considered as a platform for releasing the electronic applications of KFGQPC related to the Glorious Qur’an and its Sciences. It is also a digital library to release various publications of KFGQPC in Arabic and other international languages, as well as an electronic portal for teaching the Glorious Qur’an far and wide for those in need. The link of the center website:

  1. Training and Development unit
Training is an organized and continuous process centered on the employee and aims to bring about specific technical and mental changes to meet the current and future work needs, according to an integrated system.
Accordingly, the training and development unit in KFGQPC trains and develops technical and administrative cadres to achieve the integrated development of the skills and capabilities of the employees, in order that the employee attain high efficiency.
The unit depends on three types of courses, which are briefly as follows:
- foundational courses for national cadres, leading to the employment in the field of operation and maintenance.
- Development courses, either on site or in internal or external institutes, as needed, and held periodically every year.
- Cooperative courses between KFGQPC and governmental sectors; such as: Institutions and Universities.